Carob tastes like chocolate, but hey! Unlike chocolate, which is a toxic food for dogs, carob is a fruit of great nutritional value:
is a powerful natural anti-diarrheal.
there are high percentages of mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium and iron.
but also vitamins of group B, vitamins C, E, K and J and dietary folates.
TIME: 5 minutes for the recipe and at least 30 minutes + 5 hours in the freezer
INGREDIENTS (for 6 frozen treats)
5 ml - coconut oil
200 ml - rice milk
5 gr - carob (pure, with no added sugars)
Blend the coconut oil and let it cool.
Add about 70 ml of rice milk to the oil and mix well.
Pour the mixture into the silicone molds for 1/3 of the thickness.
Place the pads in the freezer for about 30 minutes (the time for them to solidify).
In a bowl, add the remaining rice milk and the carob.
Dilute the carob well (until it has melted well and there are no lumps).
Pour the mixture into the molds for the remaining 2/3.
Put them back in the freezer for at least 5 hours.

They can be stored in the freezer for at least one month.
Here is a short video with all the steps: